Friday, April 21, 2017

The Glass Castle

Title of the Book: The Glass Castle  
Author: Jeanette Walls
Number of Pages: 289
Rating: ☆☆☆

Review: Jeanette Walls opens the windows to her childhood and takes a look back to when she was three years old. While standing on a chair to boil her own hot dog, when her dress went up in flames and she was badly burned. Jeanette and her siblings all grew up homeless with there parents moving place to place; as the dad called it "the skedaddle". They lived in a house with no heat, bugs that climbed the walls, and a hole in the ceiling that couldn't keep water out of the house. She grew up as the middle child with an older sister and a younger brother and sister, with there two parents named Rex and Rose Walls. As she got older she moved to New York City with her older sister and had a good life despite her past still haunting her. As time went on and Jeanette grew older as a married woman she always had a guilt that traveled around with her of being in the middle-class despite growing up in poverty. This book was about her journey of growing up poor, but learning how to succeed in life. I think that a lot of readers will enjoy this book and it could teach us all something about being grateful for what we have.


  1. I love this book, because you are right. There is something we can look back at and think about how lucky we are! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

  2. Your description and review of the book is very intriguing and definitely makes me want to read this book!

  3. Sounds interesting! I feel like it would be a good book to read for someone who is worried about their future.
