Author: Nic Sheff
Number of Pages: 336
Rating: ☆☆☆☆
Review: “I take a shower, but the sour smell won’t leave me. My skin is gray, scaly, broken out. My body is eating itself” (92).
It all started with smoking marijuana every day at the young of 11, later turning into using crack, heroine, and then methamphetamines. Nic Sheff is in his 20’s hating his life because of his dependence on meth, he looks horrible and feels horrible and he wants to share that dreadful experience with the reader.
This book is unique to me because of how raw and uncensored it is. Nic Sheff does not shy away from talking about sex, the details of using, and lots of cursing.
The style of this story is very different from other books I have read. The author starts the story in the middle of one of his relapses, from there throughout the book we get random flashbacks to give us background information. The author’s style is something I was not used to at the beginning and did not enjoy but after reading for awhile I got used to it and started not to mind the style.
: Throughout this book there is many memorable moments, most of these moments come from the using of hard drugs or Nic explaining what the drugs do to your body mentally and physically. The detail and disgusting visual of what he is experiencing are so shocking that you will not forget it. For example when Nic decides to become clean from drugs he describes his withdrawal with gruesome detail, “All I can do is shiver in bed, staring at the ceiling and struggling not to pull my skin off. These are the worst withdrawals I’ve ever had”. From the amount of detail and uncensored imagery the author makes the scene unforgettable and stay with the reader.
Due to this book’s uncensored and adult topics, I would recommend this book for people 14 and older. But I feel like this book will have a positive impact on anyone who will read it. It does the opposite of glorifying drugs and sex, it makes you never want to anything that might be wrong for your health mentally and physically. This book is amazing from the graphic content that makes you think deeper about your own life to the interesting story and characters. I would recommend everyone who can read about inappropriate content to read this book it’s thrilling and real.
I really like how you started your review off with a quote. That was a very smart idea and it really drew me in and made me want to keep reading your review. I wish I had thought of that! This book sounds like it might be a little too intense for me by a good read all the same.