Title of the Book: Orr: My Story
Author: Bobby Orr
Number of Pages: 304
Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
“I’m not ever doing a book …Who would want to read that book
anyway?” Bobby Orr said this when he was asked to write a book about his life.
Thankfully he changed his mind and so, Orr: My Story was created. This book is
an autobiographical reflection of Bobby Orr’s life from his early, simple beginnings
in Canada to his life in the National Hockey League. Throughout the book Bobby Orr talks about his
childhood, upbringing, and how his hockey career progressed. He discusses the
various people he met that both helped and hindered him and tells the story of
the lessons he learned along the way. His book is filled with small pieces of
advice and important information to make you a better athlete and a better
person. Bobby Orr uses humor and self-deprecation to weave a story about his
life that touches on his accomplishments without bragging about them.
At first, it seems as though this book would only appeal to
hockey players, but the lessons and information that is shared by Bobby Orr
throughout this book can be applied to almost any area of life. Bobby Orr is a
quiet and reserved narrator who spends most of the book praising others around him
and trying to keep the spotlight off of himself even in his own book. It is
that modesty and selflessness that makes it an enjoyable and relatable read.
Throughout the book, the theme of personal responsibility is emphasized in a
variety of ways. Bobby Orr really wants athletes of all sports and people of
the world to take control over things they have the power to control and not
seek to blame others when things go wrong. It is this general, but very
important message that I think really helps all people to find really connection
in this book.
As a hockey player I really enjoyed this book. I had a
general understanding of Bobby Orr as a famous hockey player, but was not familiar
with what he had to overcome as a child with relatively modest beginnings. Due to
his “voice” in the book it is easy to find ways to connect with him as a
narrator because it feels so conversational and natural. Despite the fact that
there is some hockey specific language to someone who has no knowledge of the
game, Bobby Orr does an excellent job at making the language accessible and
understandable even if you know nothing about hockey to start. I really enjoyed Orr: My Story and I know others would too.
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